Last Spring my husband (the resident ‘green thumb’) planted tomatoes, green peppers, and various herbs in an effort to start a container garden. It was the first Spring in our new home, and as always we counted on Miracle Gro Potting Soil to get us going!
Miracle Gro has always been our go-to potting soil for years and recently we began to visit the Gardenieres website to learn more on how to plant and care for our garden!
Fast forward to Fall, and our herbs and veggies are doing amazingly well!
{Tutorial: How to update a wood planter} |
Miracle Gro Potting Mix feeds plants up to 6 months with Miracle Gro Continous Release Plant food, and offers rich, organic materials to help improve drainage and air flow. Basically feeding your plants and vegetables is as easy as watering them!
Miracle Gro is not for just planting vegetables, we use Miracle Gro for all of our planting and gardening needs! Take a look at how bright and beautiful our flowers are too!
Are you looking for gardening inspiration? Check out the Gardenieres site and also ‘like’ Miracle-Gro Facebook page on Facebook–get useful information for your garden, and motivate your ‘green thumb’!
DGMommy Tamara says
I love Miracle Gro! And I love that cute herb box! I’m herb crazy and grew 37 Basil plants this past summer, one high-yielding hot pepper plant and 3 pots of tomatoes!
You have a beautiful blog and are far more creative than I! I’m glad to find inspiration to make my crafty children happier. :)